Tuesday, 11 December 2018

How European Residency Permits are Enriching the Lives of Thousands

How European Residency Permits are Enriching the Lives of Thousands 

European Residency applications are booming with a significant ever increasing growth on a daily basis. There are now thousands of very happy international families making Europe their home. 

What is driving this exodus and why are so many people happy to invest between €300,000 to €500,000 to make such a shift in their lives. 

Many are frustrated with the limitations, freedom of movement, taxation and challenges experienced in their home country.  They are seeking a better quality of life in a European, relaxed, stress-free Mediterranean lifestyle with a low crime rate. 

Successful rich individual and families often suffer from considerable taxation penalties from their current government and the appeal of living in a country with an attractive and low tax regime is considerable.

Non-EU citizens, who often travel to Europe for personal or business reasons, find that their visitor visa applications get rejected or bogged down in red tape and endless requests for additional documents… making European travel a difficult and painful experience. Being in possession of a European residency makes visa applications and travel significantly quicker and easier.

Others value the opportunity of becoming full EU Citizens, holding an EU Passport however they are not in a position to invest the funds that the EU Citizenship Programmes require. Some of the Residency Programmes provides them with all the benefits of living in Europe and a route to full EU Citizenship over time.

The right European Residency Permit can address all of these challenges and is enriching the lives of thousands of international families

There are numerous European Residency Programmes available and typically require an investment of between €300,000 and €500,000 in real estate.

For further information or assistance contact derek@europeancitizenships.com

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